Pharmacy Act

 You Cannot Display a Pharmacy Sign if Your Business is Not a Pharmacy

It is an offense to display on premises not registered as a pharmacy any sign or emblem which says drugs, drugstore, pharmacy etc. or any sign calculated to suggest that the premises is registered as a pharmacy. For their own safety, consumers must purchase drugs only at places where a Certificate of Registration of the pharmacy is displayed.

Pharmacies Can only Operate under Specific Conditions

The owner of a business carried on in a registered pharmacy cannot permit the pharmacy to be open unless:

  1. a registered pharmacist is in charge and in actual attendance or
  2. all drugs which are required to be under the supervision of a registered pharmacist are put away and properly secured.

Pharmacies Must Display Certificates of Registration

Every pharmacy which is registered must conspicuously exhibit in the pharmacy:

  1. the Certificate of Registration of the pharmacy
  2. the Certificate of Registration of the pharmacist who is in charge of the pharmacy

Anyone in breach of the above is liable to a fine or imprisonment.

Poisons Must be Distinctly Labelled

No person shall sell or deliver any poison unless the bottle, vessel, box, wrapper or covering in which the poison is contained is distinctly labelled with the following information:

  • the word poison
  • the name of the poison
  • the name of the seller of the poison and the address of the premises where it was sold

Breach of the above would render the seller liable to a fine or imprisonment.

Pharmacies /Pharmacists Must be Registered

Operating a pharmacy is only legal if the shop where the business is carried on and the person carrying on the business are registered with the Pharmacy Council. One of the things, which a person proposing to carry on the business must prove to the Council before it can be registered is that the shop will be under the immediate control, management and supervision of a registered pharmacist.

Businesses which Sell Poison Must be Registered

It is an offence to carry on the business of selling any kind of poison unless the business is registered as a pharmacy or the person carrying on the business is an authorized seller of poison.


Provided by Ministry of Justice